Stephen Smith (Director),
Lillian Gordon,
Alvin Featherston

Veronica Dailey, Ministry Rep.

A group of prayer warriors that gathers weekly to pray and offer intercession for the members of the church, and their varying concerns and anxieties.

Ministry designed to equip and teach God’s people to share with one another, live well in the world, and build up the Body of Christ.

A vocal and instrumental musical ministry that uses the gifts of the participants to minister through song the gospel of Jesus Christ, and lead the congregation in praise and worship.

Ella Hall, Coordinator

A regular gathering of Couples for the purpose of sharing experiences and expectations—and encouraging, while offering support and fellowship for one another.

Ministers (in conjunction with our Senior Outreach Ministry) to senior citizens with recreational activities, food, and fellowship.

Class leaders serve by offering concern and/or assistance to meet our members’ holistic needs. This ministry is one that fosters and facilitates spiritual formation in maturing Christians.

Men, who have consented to go beyond the call of duty to serve God, the church, and family, and become priests in their homes, providers for their families, and protectors of things that God has given and entrusted to them.

An organization (along with the Ministry of Missions and Welfare) committed to identifying and examining the issues of human suffering and community dis-ease to offer help, uplift, and tangible assistance in meeting these challenges.

A food pantry for the needy and working poor.

Seeks to minister to spiritual, physical, and the emotional needs of members of the East Nashville and Greater Metro Nashville community.

A ministry that allows for the expression of worship, praise, and relationship to God through anointed and holy dance.

Stephen Smith,

A ministry that provides the opportunity for members and guest to study the bible, learning the basics of the scriptures, the church and the Christian faith.